报告题目1:An improved algorithm for checking the injectivity of 2D toric surface patches
报 告 人: 朱春钢 教授
报告地点:腾讯会议ID:847 720 937
报告摘要:Injective parametrizations are widely used both in theory and in applications. The injectivity of parametric curve and surface means that there are no self-intersections. Toric surface patch is defined by a set of integer lattice points A and corresponding control points and weights, which includes rational tensor product and triangle Bézier patches as special cases. In 2011, Sottile and Zhu presented a geometric method to check the injectivity of 2D toric surface patches with arbitrary positive weights. In this talk, we present an improved algorithm of their method, based on directed area of triangles, Pick’s Theorem and Farey sequence. The complexity of the improved algorithm is reduced from O(n^3) to O(n^2), where n=#(A). Some examples are shown to illustrate the effectiveness of our algorithm. And the algorithm is also applied to check the injectivity of parametrization in isogeometric analysis. Furthermore, we generalize the algorithm to check the injectivity of 3D toric volumes with arbitrary positive weights. This work is joint with Yingying Yu and Ye Ji.
报 告 人: 李崇君 教授
报告地点:腾讯会议ID:847 720 937
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