科罗拉多矿业大学Ning Lu教授“非饱和土力学前沿科学问题系列云讲座”开讲

2020-09-17 08:58:54  建工学院 

9月16日上午,应建筑与土木工程学院邀请,美国科罗拉多矿业大学Ning Lu(卢宁)教授开设的“非饱和土力学前沿科学问题系列云讲座(18讲)”开讲,来自中科院地质与地球物理所、中科院武汉岩土所、中科院成都山地所、上海交通大学、南京大学、北京交通大学、长安大学、宁波大学、湖北工业大学、桂林理工大学、台州学院、北京双杰特公司和我校等13家单位的同行专家、博士后、博士生、硕士生共同聆听了前2讲。

该系列讲座聚焦于非饱和土力学前沿领域,主旨为:This lecture series on cutting-edge researcher frontiers covers newly emerging framework for unsaturated soil mechanics. It describes the physics laws and principles beyond the classic soil mechanics but necessary for understanding fundamental soil properties and mechanical behavior under variably saturated conditions. Specifically, the lecturer addresses the following basic questions on soil’s behavior: Why soil water density is not equal to unity? Why pore water pressure under unsaturated could be compressive up to a few GPa? Why the convention definition of matric suction being the pore pressure difference between air and water fails to define soil matric potential? Why the popular use of the pore pressure difference between air and water as a stress variable is unphysical? Why the classic definition of effective stress by Bishop is incomplete in describing effective stress under unsaturated conditions? The lecturer presents a unified theory of soil sorptive potential to answer these fundamental questions that have been failed by the classic soil mechanics and the prevailing unsaturated soil mechanics theories. An effective stress equation, unifying Terzaghi’s, Bishop’s, and the lecturer’s earlier equations, is presented for soil under all saturations.

Ning Lu,美国科罗拉多矿业大学土木与环境工程系教授,主要致力于非饱和土力学领域的科学研究与边坡稳定工程问题研究;美国土木工程师学会最高奖Normal Medal、以及James J. Croes Medal、Maurice A. Biot Medal、Ralph B. Peck Medal获得者;美国土木工程师学会、美国地质学会、美国工程力学学会会士;Vadose Zone Journal副主编,Geotechnical Testing Journal编委;13项美国国家自然科学基金的负责人;137篇期刊文章的主要作者,Google Scholar统计被引9659次;代表专著《Unsaturated Soil Mechanics》和《Hillslope Hydrology and Stability》在国际上获得广泛好评和引用。


编辑:崔亦茹 / 初审:李春燕 复审:韩志宏 终核:丁少锋